“Time Will Heal” Is A Deception

Ancient time count

 Let me start with a question “How long will you continue to hope on time?”

Sometimes, all we do is to observe, without doing something about what we noticed. I'm no saint, I observe so many things about my life, but to what end? Sometimes, I figure out something that needs a change; I will just blow it off like it's nothing, but in fact, it is something. 

I'd say to myself, “This is a minor problem; I will do something about it later.” “With time, this too will pass,” but how can it pass away when I'm still dwelling on it? It's time to do something about it.

‘Later’ Never Comes

Are you still hoping for later, like me? Well, stop it right now. Solving a problem later is more like not solving it at all. Let's stop fooling ourselves; more than half of the problems projected to be solved later are never solved. 

Minor Becomes Major As Time Goes

The minor situation we don't resolve today becomes a major one tomorrow. In this life, things compound slowly but steadily. What we often forget is that big things are made up of small things, whether a huge success, a big failure, or an outstanding job starts from tiny beginnings.

Time Heals But It Can Also Cause More Damage

The statement “Time heals all wounds” is only applicable when the wound is undergoing treatment. If not, with time the wounds will get worse.

Let's make sure that those wounds of ours are undergoing treatment before we can hope to recover over time.

The Best Time Is Now

The best time to start solving those problems, resolving those situations, fixing those broken relationships, and getting rid of those addictions is now, I mean right now. Did you just say ‘later’ again? Lol, I hope you didn't.

It's time for a change, and you are the only one who can do it, neither ‘time’ nor ‘later’ can do it.
So dear, let's focus more on doing something than allowing time to do it for us.

Food for thought: Time may heal or worsen and the best time to do something is now, but all these are still under time.

Thanks for reading and take care of your time.

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