The Problem Is Hereditary: The Words Of The Unwise


 Some people assume that they can't accomplish something because no one in their family has ever accomplished it and that they can't change who they are. I plea the differ. That's a wrong way to think, imagine if we all think that way, who could have invented the airplane? Who could have invented a computer? You name them.

Leaders are those who think beyond the box and work as hell to bring their ideas to reality. If they think like that, what will become of them?

Whether you are born that way or you think the problem is hereditary or you developed the problem along the way but it seems like you can't change it, stay with me throughout this post, I write this post with you in mind. Let's get started, shall we?

Are You Satisfied With Who You Are?

You have been born this way, yes but are you satisfied with it? That's the first question that should come to mind. If you are satisfied with how you are born or how you are living right now then what's the need, though it's advisable to improve it bit by bit. But if you are not, then you have got work to do. You can't sit around like someone who is satisfied with their own. Don't listen to craps like "You will get use to it" or "You can't change who you are." That's the start of the end, don't even consider paying attention to criticisms.

Identify the Source of Discontent:

What aspects of your personality are holding you back from fulfillment? Be honest and direct in pinpointing the areas that bother you. By acknowledging these challenges, you pave the way for targeted growth and transformation. You are not the first person who is discontented with the problem but strive to be the first person that puts an end to it. 

Heard of Oprah Winfrey, he suffered challenges with his upbringing and yet he continues to be one of the most influential figures in the media. You know why? Because he identified the discontentment and work assiduously to overcome it. And once he overcame it, he becomes the hero.

Aspire to Greatness:

Envision the kind of person you aspire to become. What qualities define this ideal version of yourself? Whether it's confidence, empathy, resilience, or creativity, set your sights on cultivating a personality that reflects your deepest aspirations.

Remember, greatness knows no bounds and is not confined by family history.

Ignite the Flame of Change:

Are you ready to ignite the flame of transformation within yourself? Let your desire for change burn brightly, fuelling your determination to break free from the constraints of hereditary expectations. Embrace change as a catalyst for personal evolution and growth.

Consider the story of Malala Yousafzai, who defied societal norms and risked her life to advocate for girls' education in Pakistan.

All I'm saying is to keep the flames burning hot no matter the circumstances until something changed.

Define Clear Goals:

Craft clear and actionable goals that align with your vision for personal development. Without a roadmap, you risk wandering aimlessly and squandering your time and energy. Set specific milestones that will guide your journey towards a more fulfilling personality.

Embrace Structure:

Structure is essential for sustainable growth. Establish daily routines and practices that support your desired personality traits. Consistency is key; commit to daily habits that nurture your journey of self-improvement. 

Think about the discipline of Serena Williams, whose rigorous training regimen propelled her to tennis superstardom. Follow the strategy of consistency and discipline.

Carve Your Path Daily:

Personal development is a continuous process that requires dedication and perseverance. Carve out time each day to invest in shaping your personality. Treat it as an art form, honing your skills and refining your character with patience and persistence.

Seize the Moment:

Life is fleeting, but it offers ample opportunity for growth and transformation. Embrace the precious gift of time and seize the moment to build a personality that enriches your life and those around you.


Don't allow the constraints of hereditary expectations to dictate your potential. Instead, dare to defy convention and forge a personality that embodies your deepest desires and aspirations. Embrace change, set clear goals, and commit to daily growth. Remember, life is too short to settle for anything less than a personality worth living. Be the hero of your very own life.

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