How to Create a New Reality For Your Life in 8 Simple Steps


 Do you feel stuck in a rut? Do you dread waking up every morning and facing the same challenges, the same problems, the same unhappiness? Do you wish you could change your life for the better, but don't know how? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone. Many people struggle with finding meaning and purpose in their lives, especially in these uncertain times. They feel trapped in a cycle of negativity, frustration, and anxiety, and they don't see any way out.

Not long ago, I heard a story of a young woman, Amara, who was brought up in a family that believed that girls are of no use going to school since they will end up in a man's kitchen. She grew up knowing this and making plans according to this belief but along the way, she came to understand about gender liberation. She saw how women are starting to make difference in the world. She wanted to be a difference too, but it seems impossible to her. Neither her friends or family will even support the idea. She thought it will never be, she didn't see any way she can accomplish such. 

Until one day, she call it a truce, she had to make that difficult decision to change the reality of her life. Only then did she look for ways to make her dream a reality. She started watching videos about making a change, she started taking courses and seminars. She found a motivation to rise higher and she make use of every knowledge she had. She changed her goals and plans from becoming a house wife to becoming something more valuable to the society. And guess what, now she is living her best life, traveling around the world making things happen and not just that, she's married into a happy family with three kids and a lovely husband. She not only achieve her previous goal of marrying but she achieved more than she planned earlier. 

The story of this woman opened up my heart to write this blog post. 

Many people will think that there's no way to create the dream reality of your life because of how you're raised or one thing or another.

But there is a way out. There is a way to restart your life and create a new reality for yourself. A reality where you are in control, where you are happy, where you are fulfilled. A reality where you live the life you want to live.

But how do you do that? How do you restart your life even from scratch?

It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. It takes courage, commitment, and a clear plan. In this blog post, I will share with you 8 simple steps that will help you restart your life and achieve your goals. These steps are based on proven principles of psychology, personal development, and success. They are not magic bullets, but they are effective tools that will guide you through the process of transformation.

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Are you ready to restart your life? Then let's waste no more time.

Step 1: Define Your Ideal Life

The first step to restart your life is to define your ideal life. What kind of life do you want to live? What are your values, your passions, your dreams? What makes you happy, fulfilled, and excited? What are the things that matter most to you?

In the case of Amara, the woman I talked about earlier. Her ideal life is to make a difference in the world through volunteering for a cause. Your ideal life may be to finish college like others do or to be wealthy or something else. So I ask again, what is your ideal life? What life will make you most happy?

Write down your answers to these questions in as much detail as possible. Don't limit yourself by what you think is realistic or possible. Just let your imagination run wild and describe your ideal life in vivid terms. This is your vision, your destination, your ultimate goal.

Step 2: Assess Your Current Life

The next step is to assess your current life. How does it compare to your ideal life? What are the gaps, the discrepancies, the areas of improvement? What are the things that you like and want to keep in your current life? What are the things that you dislike and want to eliminate from your current life?

Just like Amara's first plan is to be a lovely house wife, to relax in the kitchen waiting for her husband to bring to the table. I know some people will be like let me stay where I am before now, it's comfortable here but compare that life with the one of your dream. Will it make you most happy? Can it sustain you for the long run?

Be honest and objective with yourself. Don't sugarcoat or exaggerate the situation. Just state the facts as they are. This is your reality, your starting point, your baseline.

Step 3: Find Your Motivation

The third step to restart your life is to find your motivation. Why do you want to restart your life? What is the reason, the purpose, the driving force behind your desire to change? What are the benefits, the rewards, the outcomes that you expect to gain from restarting your life?

In the case of Amara, she wanted something more than staying in the kitchen and tending to her kids. She wants to be an inspiration to women around the world, she got motivation that has no match for a house wife. She wants to make a difference, she doesn't want to settle for less, she doesn't want to be limited by her family belief.

Your motivation is your fuel, your power, your inspiration. It is what keeps you going when things get tough, when you face obstacles, when you feel like giving up. It is what makes you take action, overcome challenges, and achieve results.

To find your motivation, think about the pain and the pleasure that are associated with your current and ideal life. How do you feel when you think about your current life? How do you feel when you think about your ideal life? What are the emotions, the sensations, the thoughts that come up for you?

Use these feelings as leverage to motivate yourself. Focus on the positive aspects of your ideal life and the negative aspects of your current life. Visualize yourself living your ideal life and experiencing all the joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment that comes with it. Contrast that with your current life and the misery, dissatisfaction, and frustration that you endure. Make the gap between the two as big and as clear as possible.

This will create a strong emotional pull that will propel you towards your ideal life and away from your current life. This will make you want to restart your life more than anything else.

Step 4: Set Clear Goals

The fourth step is to set clear goals. Goals are the milestones, the checkpoints, the indicators that measure your progress towards your ideal life. They are the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that you want to accomplish along the way.

To set clear goals, break down your ideal life into smaller and more manageable chunks. For example, if your ideal life involves traveling the world, you can set a goal to visit one new country every year. If your ideal life involves starting your own business, you can set a goal to launch your website by the end of the month. If your ideal life involves losing weight, you can set a goal to lose 10 pounds in the next 90 days.

Write down your goals and make sure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will make them more concrete, realistic, and actionable. This will also help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements.

Step 5: Create a Plan

A plan is the roadmap, the blueprint, the strategy that outlines the steps, the actions, the tasks that you need to take to achieve your goals and ultimately your ideal life. It is the how, the when, the where, and the with whom of your journey.

To create a plan, start with your end goal and work backwards. For each goal, ask yourself: What do I need to do to achieve this goal? What are the resources, the skills, the tools, the people that I need to have or acquire? What are the potential obstacles, risks, or challenges that I might face? How can I overcome them or avoid them?

Just like Amara, she knew that neither her friends nor her family will support her, so she possibly make a plan that exclude their help. She had to face this on her own. She had to attend courses and seminars. And with every seminar and course completed, she is one step closer to her dream reality.

Write down your answers and organize them into a logical sequence. This will form the basis of your plan. You can use a calendar, a spreadsheet, a journal, or any other tool that works for you to create and manage your plan.

Step 6: Improve Your Social Relationships

The sixth step is to improve your social relationships. Social relationships are the connections, the interactions, the bonds that you have with other people. They are the sources of support, encouragement, feedback, and accountability that you need to restart your life successfully.

To improve your social relationships, start by evaluating the quality and quantity of your current relationships. Who are the people that you spend the most time with? How do they influence you, positively or negatively? How do they make you feel, happy or unhappy? How do they help you, or hinder you, in achieving your goals?

Based on your evaluation, decide which relationships you want to keep, which ones you want to eliminate, and which ones you want to improve. Keep the relationships that are healthy, supportive, and aligned with your vision. Detach from the relationships that are toxic, unsupportive, and detrimental to your vision. Improve the relationships that are neutral, indifferent, or inconsistent with your vision.

Also, think about the new relationships that you want to create or cultivate. Who are the people that you admire, respect, or aspire to be like? Who are the people that share your values, interests, or goals? Who are the people that can help you, teach you, or mentor you in your journey?

Reach out to these people and build rapport with them. Network with them, learn from them, collaborate with them. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded, and successful people who can inspire you, challenge you, and motivate you to restart your life.

Step 7: Develop Your Discipline

The seventh step to restart your life is to develop your discipline. Discipline is the ability, the habit, the skill of doing what you need to do, when you need to do it, whether you feel like it or not. It is the force that drives you to follow your plan, execute your actions, and achieve your goals.

To develop your discipline, start by identifying the areas where you lack discipline. Where do you procrastinate, avoid, or give up? Where do you get distracted, tempted, or sidetracked? Where do you make excuses, rationalize, or justify?

Once you identify these areas, create a system that will help you overcome them. For example, if you lack discipline in exercising, you can create a system that involves setting a specific time and place for your workout, finding a workout buddy or a coach, and rewarding yourself for completing your workout. If you lack discipline in writing, you can create a system that involves setting a daily word count goal, blocking out distractions, and tracking your progress.

Whatever system you create, make sure it is simple, easy, and effective. The simpler it is, the easier it is to follow. The easier it is to follow, the more effective it is in developing your discipline.

Step 8: Change Your Personality

Personality is the set of traits, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes that define who you are as a person. It is the way you think, feel, and act in different situations. It is the sum of your beliefs, values, and habits.

To change your personality, start by identifying the aspects of your personality that you want to change. What are the traits, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes that are holding you back, limiting you, or sabotaging you? What are the traits, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes that you want to develop, enhance, or adopt?

For example, if you want to change your personality from being shy to being confident, you need to identify the traits, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes that make you shy, such as low self-esteem, fear of rejection, avoidance of social situations, and negative self-talk.

Then, you need to identify the traits, characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes that make you confident, such as high self-esteem, acceptance of failure, social skills, and positive self-talk. Next, you need to replace the old patterns with the new ones, by practicing them daily, reinforcing them with affirmations, and rewarding yourself for your progress.

To help you with this process, you can use some of the tips and techniques below:

~ Challenge your negative thoughts and use positive self-talk. This will help you change your mindset and boost your self-esteem. 

~ Use your body language to project confidence. Stand tall, smile, make eye contact, and use open gestures. This will make you feel more confident and also influence how others perceive you. 

~ Be optimistic and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Express gratitude, celebrate your achievements, and surround yourself with positive people. This will help you cultivate a positive attitude and overcome challenges. 

~ Control your emotions and don't let fear, anger, or sadness stop you from taking action. Learn to cope with stress, practice relaxation techniques, and seek help if you need it. This will help you manage your emotions and stay calm and confident. 

~ Adopt a growth mindset and embrace learning and feedback. Don't be afraid to try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them. Seek opportunities to improve yourself, ask for feedback, and accept constructive criticism. This will help you grow and develop your confidence. 


Restarting your life is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It requires you to have a clear vision, a strong motivation, a smart plan, and a consistent action. It also requires you to change your personality, improve your relationships, and develop your discipline.

By following these 8 simple steps, you can restart your life and create a new reality for yourself. A reality where you are happy, fulfilled, and successful. A reality where you live the life you want to live. And smile again just like Amara did.

Don't settle for less than you deserve. Don't let your past define your future. Don't let your fears stop you from pursuing your dreams.

You have the power to restart your life. You have the potential to achieve anything you want. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world.


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