1 minute read

 The younger generation has learned and adopted this destructive set of beliefs about other people and relationships and they create these systems of enmeshment and control that don’t get them anywhere near where they want to be. Even if they find the right person, someone they are compatible with, the way they approach the relationship can bring total destruction to it.

I know how to be honest, usually when people ask a question like this, they don’t want to hear the truth. They want comforting lies but that’s not how I roll. A woman won’t make you happy. If you expect them to make you happy it will set a bad early precedence for any relationship. When you believe it’s their job to make you happy then you will have expectations and those attachments will create conditions and those conditions will create a culture of control in the relationship. And in doing this, you will repel the right relationship and really great people away from you.

If you want to find the right person you have to be the right person. Amazing partners attract amazing partners. Realizing you probably won’t believe me, oh well, the only person that can make you happy is looking back at you in the mirror. Make yourself happy and the right person is way more likely to come along. 

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March 14, 2025