3 minute read

 Almost all human are envious when others have what they don't have, like success, money, happiness and even pretty face. This is mostly found among friends, mates, peers or colleagues that have being or worked together before.

What then happens when some are promoted or they becomes more successful than others. For some people, they see it as a challenge so they worked the hell to reach that level but for others it is an unfair judgement of the universe, they will look for who to blame, either the manager that promotes some and leave some or they can even blame God for turning His back on them. 

But then what did they do after all these thoughts, some may not do anything and continue to live their life as an unfair world, some may consider planning against those people that are more than them, so that they can come down and be like them, while others may consider committing suicide. Without considering the consequences of their actions or maybe they have, but decided to do it anyways. 

What if I told you that all these are not the right way.

Whatever makes you to feel unworthy is always been brought to your notice by those around you. Their words or behaviors towards you is what makes you uncomfortable. "You are not good enough", "You are not even beautiful", "You are not wealth", "If I push you now, you will die", "There is no life in you", These are words people say to you, to make matters even worst, some family members say it too. 


Don't listen to those words, your worth is not base on your money, beauty, intelligence or all of that, your worth is based on the fact that you are existing. so calm down, relax, they can say what ever they want but it is what you take in that hunt you down.

What you need to know is that there are people who found their professional calling earlier in life and their trajectory is straight up the corporate ladder. They are people who will make doctor, lawyer, manager, assistant director, director, successful man, wealthy man etc, at a relatively young age. It is admired, not envied. But the truth is, those people lack some breadth of experience. 

Pardon me to tell you a life story of one woman, who wants to be a movie star when she's at high school, so after high school, she worked at the music industry, due to her love for creativity. It is there that she learn how to relate and interact with people of professional standards in creativity. And as life may have it, she met this drummer who didn't only stole her heart but he fathered their two kids. According to her that was when life starts happening to her, criticism, racism, all sorts of problems starts popping up from no where, she even thought of ending this so called life. But she didn't, because she have contemplated the consequences and the benefits, will she leave her kids stranded on earth, what kind of suffering will they pass through, all these hunt her down. she could have accept that she have failed in life but no, she climbed that ladder and face her fears, but it didn't end there. She currently earns her salary in 6 figures every month and have a better family than she ever imagined. And with all those experiences she had, it is a plus to her now.

My point in conclusion, is that the fact that your mates are successful at their early age doesn't mean you have failed in life and hurting them, trying to bring them down or killing yourself will never do you any good.

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March 18, 2025