4 minute read


Discipline yourself now or regret later

People have experienced all sort of difficulties due to lack of self discipline. It have been brought to our notice by our parents or guardians or teachers or even our senior colleagues that self discipline is one of the very vital skill for a brighter future. Or maybe you haven't heard of such things but if you can read this post then you have experienced it, one way or the other. But the unanswered questions still remains and what are those questions?;

1. Why did I need self discipline?

2. Wow, is it that beneficial, but how then can I have it?

Here, in this post I will be answering the first question, I will make posts that answers the remaining question as well, just keep yourself updated.


Before we get into the reason why self discipline is needed, I will like us to explore some important things that will help us understand self-discipline properly.

There are types of discipline, but the most profound ones are three in number which is active discipline, reactive discipline and proactive discipline.

Please stay with me, let's explore these types of discipline briefly.

• Active Discipline: is disciplining yourself on what is happening right now. such as disciplining yourself to read this post to the end, and achieve the information the writer is trying to pass through.

• Reactive Discipline: is using what happened in the past as a case study to discipline yourself. Such as learning from your past mistakes so not to repeat them again.

• Proactive Discipline: is disciplining yourself for the future. Such as learning how to speak Spanish because you are expecting or aiming to study at Spain.

You may have your own understanding and explanations of those words above. But it's only you that knows which one of these types of discipline, you need to take action on. What ever one it may be, I hope I can be of great with this post, so stay with me. Let's answer the question in our front page with details each one of us needs.

You can achieve your planned goals through discipline


There are so many reason or should I say advantage of maintaining self discipline, but I'm going to discuss three major ones. 

1. Success: 

Everyone strive to be successful with all their endeavors but I want you to take some seconds and think about how successful one can be without self discipline. So you can see that self discipline is very important for your success in life.

Self discipline helps you stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to new heights. Now, you can tell what type of self discipline that you need to be successful, my answer is "Proactive Discipline" but you can tell us what answer you think it is in the comment section below this post.

Success is impossible without discipline

2. Overcome Difficulties: 

Human face hard situation in life and I have a reason to tell you that to overcome difficulties, some certain amount of self discipline will be needed.

The possession of self discipline enables you to choose, and then persevere with actions, thoughts and behavior, which lead to improvement and success. It also gives you the power and inner strength to overcome addictions, procrastination and laziness and to follow through whatever you do.

Active and reactive discipline is present in this situation. Disciplining yourself to take or preserve actions, thoughts and behavior right now, is an example of active discipline. And saying NO to your past experiences such as addiction, procrastination, laziness etc and facing a new day light of your life, is an example of reactive discipline. Now, how the two work together to help you overcome difficulties is by making decisions that will help you to get out of that difficult situation (active) and learning from what lead you to that situation in the first place so that you won't fall a victim again(reactive).

Quote by Stephen Covey: Self mastery and self discipline is the foundation of good relationship with others

3. Relationship: 

An individual with self-discipline builds better relationships. When you decided to make your relationship a better one, self discipline plays a huge role for you to achieve that. For instance, if you want your current relationship to last longer than your past relationships, then you have to figure out why your past relationships did not last long and discipline yourself base on it (that's reactive discipline).

Self discipline is very important to us even more than we realize. It is one of the secrets of every successful man and every successful relationships. 

I made this post to be a discussion one, so feel free to give us your opinion using the comment button below and you can also subscribe to my newsletter. For those who is reading from the newsletter, I'm sorry my newsletters is not user-friendly now and I'm working to fix it before my next post. I will mostly appreciate, if you did not keep this information all to yourself but to share this post with your friend and family by clicking any of the share buttons below.


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March 17, 2025