5 minute read
Building a strong and healthy relationship

There are lots of traits of uncertainties in relationships, some of which is disrespect, misunderstanding, peevishness that can lead to breakups. You may be facing some of these traits of uncertainties in your relationship and is being captured by thoughts like

· Is this relationship ever going to work?

· God when will this relationship trials come to an end.

· How long can I stay in this hell called relationship?

· This is lame, infact I'm done.

Hey, not so fast I've got a technique that will be of great help to you. But I must warn you, this technique is for relationships where there's an existence of true love, I'm sure no one will like to be in an unlovely relationship.

First of all as I always warn, DON'T, I mean NEVER be in a relationship that you can't sense an existence of true love. But if you can sense a lot of love in the relationship but you also sense some traits of relationship uncertainties in it. At this point, one of the two things involved will happen and that is "either you quit the relationship because of the traits of uncertainties" or "you face your fears and form traits that will build a lovely strong and healthy relationship" using my strategy in this post. Ok now, let's get into it.


Honesty in a relationship

Firstly you form a habit of truthfulness, be truthful to yourself and partner. Being open to truth is very essential in a relationship that dream to be healthy and strong. Truth may be bitter but I must tell you the fruit is so sweet. It's important to always tell your partner the truth they needed to hear because if you hide it and he/she finally finds out, how did you think he will take you? A liar? Or an unreliable partner? Did you think someone will risk telling his/her secret truth to a liar? The consequences of untruthfulness is much but it takes you nothing to be truthful. Some people think that the lies he/she structured will keep the relationship going without errs. I must tell you, that such relationships last for moments, what did you think the end will result if your partner finds out the truth. Although some do testify that such worked for them, but don't you think it is much better for your partner to love you the way you are, instead of loving someone that you created in his/her imagination. Well let's get to the next one.


Trust in a relationship

Trust is one of the results of honesty. But the trust I'm talking here is the trust you give, not the one you receive. Giving out trust is very important in a relationship because it will help you to tolerate and tolerance is a superbike relationship booster. When you trust your partner, he/she will feel relaxed to tell you everything you needed to know, but when there is a lack of trust in your relationship, it will be hard to believe that your relationship is going to be a fruitful one.


Compassion in a relationship

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another's suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion is not the same as empathy or altruism, though the concepts are related.

To be compassionate in our relationship means that we are able to recognize when our partner or spouse is suffering in some way and to be loving and kind to them as they move through their process.

One of the main traits of a successful relationship is compassion, in other words "Caring". It is hard to believe that compassion is lacking in a relationship where love exist because love and compassion is the heart of every relationship.

Love without compassion is likely to be a fledgling love, both in terms of duration (it is a new relationship) and in terms of depth (even in a long-term setting, it rarely dips below the surface). Compassion can be felt for strangers, but compassionate love typically mandates some consistency of emotion.

There are numerous proven benefits of both self-compassion and compassion toward others, such as increased happiness, improved medical outcomes, reduced stress, reduced psychopathology, and increased social connectedness.


Equality in a relationship

Equality in a relationship means that each person's interests and desires are respected and met to a reasonable degree as opposed to just one partner's needs dominating the relationship. Inequality in a relationship refers to an imbalance of power between partners.

Unlike an emotionally or physically abusive relationship, a relationship based on equality is one in which the dating partners are on an even playing ground. One partner is not trying to control or get power over another. Each person respects the other for his skills, abilities, talents and gifts.

It's important that both partners in a relationship feel they have an equal sense of power. To put it simply both of you should feel that, overall, you have an equal say in the relationship. Neither of you should feel that your opinion is being sidelined, or that you never get to make any big (or even small) decisions.

No matter what role each plays in the relationship and no matter how the relationship is organized, both partners have to respect each other as equals in terms of being human beings.


Independence in a relationship

Independence in a relationship can look like carving out alone time, having your own hobbies, spending time with your own friends or setting healthy boundaries that cultivate a strong sense of self outside of the relationship.

It's important to be independent in a romantic relationship, too. Being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to be co-dependent. Healthy relationships are about two independent people who decide to share their lives and build a relationship together.

Healthy independence within a relationship allows you and your partner to feel the love gained by being together, and to choose that love again and again.

In conclusion, healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.

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March 16, 2025