It's been said that little children need playmates, whereas adolescent and adults needs friends. What's the difference?
   ~A playmates is someone who keeps you company.
  ~A friend is someone who keeps you company and also shares your values.

    Furthermore, a true companion is loving at all time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. That's probably describing a deeper kind of friendship than you found as a child at the playground.

    As you progress towards adulthood or probably an adult, you need friends who:

    • Have admirable qualities

    • Have a positive influence on you

    • Live by praiseworthy standards

    Diving deep into this topic, let us examine how you can find friends who fit the above mentioned profile.

1. Admirable Qualities

 Not everyone who claims to be a friend has what it takes to live up to that label for you. There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, that might sound drastic. But consider: Have you ever had a "friend" who took advantage of you? What about the one who talk behind your back or spread false rumors about you? Such an experience can shatter your trust. 

 Always remember that when it comes to friends, quality is more important than quantity, choose a friend who have qualities that are worthy of imitation. Do friends that reflect qualities that are included in "the fruitage of the spirit"

2. Praiseworthy Standards

 The more desperate you are for friends, the more likely you will be to settle for the wrong kind. 

 Anyone having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. The term "stupid ones" do not refer to people who get bad grades or even who lack intelligence. Rather it describes those who turn their back on sound reasoning and instead follow an insensible course that's the kind of friends you can do without.

 Instead of making friends with anyone, be discriminating. No, that's not to say you should be prejudice. In this context being discriminating I mean is that you should be perceptive enough to "see the distinct between a suitable one and unsuitable one"

3. Positive Influence

 Bad companies ruin good character. let me illustrate this with a boy Fred. "His classmates accepts him as long as he did what they tell him to do. Due to loneliness, he decided to act like them just so he can fit in." Fred here is like a pawn on a chessboard being moved around by his classmates. That's a typical example of the power of influence,. You have to make friends that influence you positively, cut off ties with those who insist that you change to conform to their lifestyle. 

 If you take these steps, you may have fewer friends; but you will feel better about yourself, and you will open door to better friendship, the kind that will be of great benefit.

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