Most youths struggle with uncertainties about their appearance and their abilities, as well as how they measure up to others. Do you fall into that category of people. If so, you are at the right place. 

Let me ask you some related questions:

1. When you look at the mirror, do you like who you see?

2. Do you think you have praiseworthy skills?

3. Can you handle unfair remarks others make about you?

4. Do you feel loved?

5. Do you generally view yourself as a successful person?

If you identify NO to the above questions. Don't despair, you can get help. 

   Now let's consider three confidence booster that will enable you to see yourself in a more positive light

🔅 Give Of Yourself

    There is more happiness in giving than in receiving. I know that look on your face now "how did helping have to do with this?" But the reality is when you help others you help yourself. There's no denying it: our sense of well being soars when we help others. Think of what you can do for others that will fill a need for someone around you, giving love and attention to others makes me feel better and I believe it do to you too, maybe you haven't discover it yet.

The question now is "what if I did all my best but people are not appreciating it?"

Dont help others solely for the purpose of getting something in return. Giving with the wrong motive falls flat, it usually seen for just what it is - "false front" 

So I have reason to remind you not to help others solely for the purpose of getting something back or for them to appreciate you.

🔅 Make Friends

  A true companion is loving always and ready to be there for you whenever they are needed. A good friend can be a tremendous support during times of adversity, even the thought that someone cares can lift your spirits, so draw close to those who have a positive influence on you.

Don't just make friends, make sure that your friends brings out the real you, not a person that you created to fit in. Engaging in unwise acts to impress others will leave you feeling degraded and used.

🔅Bounce Back From Your Mistakes

    There's no getting around it; you are imperfect. That means there will be times when you say and even do the wrong things. While you can't avoid making mistakes, you can control how you react to people around you.

    Sometimes low self-esteem results when we compare our weaknesses to another person's strength, everyone has good and bad qualities. We should be proud of our good and work to change our bad ones.

Keep in mind; don't use your imperfection as an excuse to practice sin, deliberately engaging in wrongdoing will cut you off from the most important approval you could have. 

  I believe that by practicing all these above mentioned boosters will help you build and maintain your self confidence.

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